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UKFP Changes 2023


In December 2020, the United Kingdom Foundation Programme (UKFP) announced some changes to their Foundation Year 1 application system scoring.



The Changes


[to understand the changes read my entry on the UKFP first]


Additional degrees & publications (collectively known as Educational Achievements) will no longer count when applying to FY1 starting 2023 (ie those starting their application in 2022). Rankings of applicants will now be based solely on EPM and SJT, each being worth 50%.


This will leave the point system as follows


  • 50% - Educational Performance Measure (EPM) based on Medical School performance.


  • 50% - Situational Judgment Test (SJT) [a separate post on the SJT will follow]


More information will follow in due time how many points exactly will be awarded depending on Medical School performance (currently ranked as decile).



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