How to Stay Up To Date?
Lots of things to keep track of! Here are some things I do to stay on top of things.
Maintain a list of websites relevant to your field and bookmark them in a row so that you can check them often.​
See which of your friends have similar goals or will be applying to the same as you and promise to keep each other updated. Make a group chat for that aim if relevant. It is very helpful to bounce ideas off of someone and to go through a journey with someone.
If you don't have anybody that is all right! In most phases of my academic career, I was alone and still managed to encourage myself.​
Make sure your school knows what your career goals are, oftentimes your careers office will have targeted information so make sure you are on the relevant email lists.
If you have a Twitter account follow the accounts relevant to you.
For example, I created a list for the USA Residency Match and I have notifications on for the UK Foundation Programme Office account.
Subscribe to newsletters if a website offers it:
For example, for ECFMG go to their website >> Resources >> E-newsletters >> ECFMG Reporter >> Type in your email address >> They’ll send you a confirmation email, so go to your email and confirm you want to receive it.
Maintain your curriculum up to date. Some options to do this are:​​
LinkedIn allows you to keep an updated profile.​
Canva offers CV templates you can edit on their website and download as pdf.​
Wix offers CV website templates you can use.
Maintain evidence of everything: any extracurriculars, online courses, conferences attended (as audience or as a speaker).